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NeureHitz is a clinical tool of individual administration, designed to assess oral language skills in Basque in children aged 5 to 8 years, aiming to identify possible language and communication disorders and guide intervention. The full battery will consist of 10 tests that will assess the psycholinguistic processes involved in comprehension and expression in all areas of language: phonetics and phonology, vocabulary, morphosyntax and semantics.
The full instrument will consist of 10 tests which will assess the psycholinguistic processes involved in comprehension and expression in all language areas: phonetics and phonology, vocabulary, morphosyntax and semantics.
Prozesu fonologikoak
Ahozko esaldien ulermena
Sintaxia: esaldi sinpleak
Epe laburreko oroimena: hitzak
Epe laburreko oroimena: pseudohitzak
Epe laburreko oroimena: esaldiak
Kontzientzia fonologikoa: Errima
Epai gramatikala
Entzumen bereizketa: silabak
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