• Assessment tools for
    language and learning disorders

  • Neuresoft is part of
    the international Basque Center
    on Cognition, Brain & Language.

What is Neuresoft?

neureSoft is the BCBL department dedicated to developing tools for language assessment, both in Basque and Spanish. As an international interdisciplinary research centre for the study of cognition, brain and language, the professional team of the BCBL has developed a methodology in digital version, which is available to facilitate the daily work of professionals in the field.

neureSoft was specifically created to transfer to society the scientific knowledge gathered at the BCBL about cognition and language. Since 2013, a variety of tools are being developed aiming at facilitating language assessment, both in monolingual and Basque-Spanish bilingual children.


NeureSoft aims at developing assessment tools for oral and written language in order to facilitate the diagnosis of several impairments (e.g., Developmental Language Disorder or Dyslexia, amongst others). Each tool comprises several tasks. The oral language tools gather information about the psycholinguistic processes underlying comprehension and expression in all language-related areas: phonetics and phonology, vocabulary, morphosyntax and semantics. The tools to assess literacy skills gather information about the various processes underlying these abilities.
Please, find below the available tools:

Assessments of literacy skills in Basque

Assessment of oral language in Basque

Assessment of oral language in Spanish

Assessment of literacy skills in Spanish

Learn more

How does NeureSoft work?

This is a web platform which grants access to the assessment tools developed by NeureSoft.

professional use

Once registered in the platform, the professional will have a tailored section to manage cases and administer a variety of assessment tasks through the website or a tablet device.


To benefit from it, the licence and the use-credits named NEUREs should be acquired (these credits allow professionals to administer the tasks and create reports based on the results).


Neuresoft License
+ 10 neures


10 neures


50 neures


100 neures


NEURESOFT belongs to BCBL, a non-profit research centre. All the income from NEURESOFT will be allocated exclusively to cover the costs of the diagnosis tool, create new diagnosis assessment batteries and fund the research activities of the BCBL.